Too many people have died for your right to cast a ballot. For 21 months, the politicians, pundits and the press have had their say. Today, the everyday American citizen has their say. Do not let the spinmasters control this election. Ignore the polls, you determine the outcome of this election, not the pollsters. My predictions for tonight:
President- I am afraid that the downturn in the economy, Obama press protection, and an ineffective campaign by McCain will enable Barack Obama to win pretty handily. I think Obama will barely win N.C.
U.S. Senate- I don't know who ran a worse campaign, Sen Dole or Sen McCain. Sen Dole will go down in defeat tonight. Kay Hagan will ride on the Obama coattails.
Governor- This will be the only bright spot for the NC GOP. I believe that McCrory will eek out a narrow victory over Beverly Perdue. Perdue is the only Dem who ran a bad campaign, while Pat McCrory was the only GOPer besides BJ Lawson to run a good campaign.
U.S. House- In my district, incumbent David Price faces BJ Lawson. I really liked and voted for Lawson. He has run the best campaign against Price since his loss in 1994. However, the demographics of the district (heavily liberal Democrats) practically ensure David Price's re-election.
In Congress, the Dems nationally will pick up 30 seats in the House, and fall 1 seat short from 60 in the Senate. Statewide, all Dems will win except for the race for State Auditor and Agriculture Commisioner. But, please vote before 7:30 pm tonight in NC.