Please vote today if you are a citizen in the state of North Carolina. I am giving my endorsements and predictions for today's races. I will only do the contested races for both parties. I can only vote in the Dem race since the GOP in Durham is so weak and pathetic, they don't run any candidates.
U.S. President: I endorse
Barack Obama over Billary. We need a change from the Clintons.
Prediction: Obama by 10-12%
NC Governor: I endorse Bev Purdue. Richard Moore has ran a pretty negative campaign. I liked how she pulled her negative ads. Prediction: Purdue by 10-12% GOP: I believe Pat McCrory will win but he will probably be in a runoff.
NC Lt. Governor: I endorse Walter Dalton. I predict that he will win as well. GOP: Robert Pittenger
US Senate: I endorse Kay Hagan. She will also win in a landslide
Durham DA: I endorse Freda Black, but I think it will be a runoff between her and Tracey Cline
Durham School Board: Other two seats unopposed, I endorse Leigh Bordley and I predict her to win
Durham County of Commissioners: Michael Page, Becky Heron, Ellen Reckhow, Josh Parker, and Brenda Howerton. I believe these are your winners as well.
NC Superintendent of Instruction: I endorse Eddie Davis, but June Atkinson will win
State Auditor: I endorse Beth Wood and she will win the primary
State Labor Commissioner: I endorse Robin Anderson, but Mary Donnan will probably win.
Insurance Commissioner: I endore Wayne Goodwin, he will win in a landslide
State Treasurer: I endorse David Young, he will probably win
Court of Appeals: I endorse Jim Wynn and John Tyson, they will both win
If there are any other races, I can't remember them at this late/early hour. Please vote today anyway. Thank you!!