Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debating to a Draw

The Friday night fight was conducted by the two candidates last night. Both men moved around and threw some jabs, but most of the fight was highlighted by holding and clinching. I felt that Sen. Obama started off with good shots with the domestic questions. The big question for Sen. McCain is how will he cut spending when he voted for most of these inflated budgets over the last eight years? Sen. Obama avoided stating any programs or policies that we will delay due to the increasing deficit. McCain did not press him on it. As the debate turned to foreign policy, McCain got his groove back. He chided Obama for his lack of support for the surge, his statement on meeting with dictators without preconditions. However, I think that Obama scored some points by pressing McCain on the Bush administration failure to finish the job in Afghanistan. Overall, I think Obama succeeded in looking presidential without making any major gaffes. McCain demonstrated that he knows more about foreign policy,but his answers for domestic problems is still shaky. McCain needs to make a stronger case for continuing tax cuts in a down economy. He needs to show why Obama's plans for increased spending and tax increases will continue the economic slowdown. I rate round one as a draw and looking forward to the next two debates.

Friday, September 05, 2008

McCain Ends GOP Convention with some salad

John McCain went through his life story again. After filling the convention with one of those 72 ounce steaks that restaurants dare you to finish, Sen McCain threw in a more balanced meal Thursday night. He had some red meat, but he threw in some veggies and a little bit of dessert to the Dems.

McCain cannot match the speaking ability of his running mate, but he did better with the teleprompters than usual. I believe that the GOP hurt themselves last night. The attacks on Obama were over the top. Any criticism about his stand on issues is fine, but the sarcastic attacks on Obama's work as a community organizer were unfair and strident. The GOP looked like a bunch of rich guys and gals who wrap themselves in the flag and look down on the masses. I think Sen. Obama should be commended for his early work in Chicago. Isn't that what conservatism all about? People at the local level finding solutions to the problems, not looking to Washington for a handout. I certainly do not agree with Sen. Obamas positions, but the mocking of his community work was too much to bear. I am greatly disappointed.