Wednesday, October 29, 2008

mccain finally fights

We having been waiting, begging, and pleading for John McCain to make the case against Sen. Obama for about six months. I feel a James Harris moment coming on. He has finally begun to make a coherent attack about "spreading the wealth". I wish that McCain would have started this before the convention. I think that McCain should keep hammering that if you think the economy is bad now, wait until Barack and his Dem buddies get into office. How can you move up with a rising tax bill? Joe Biden almost guarantees an immediate crisis soon after Barack takes office and he needs help. I don't know if it is too late (I believe it may be). I wish McCain hammered this message from the convention forward. Now, it looks like he is grasping at straws.

For the record, I don't care about how much Sarah Palin's outfits cost. I care about the future of our country. Who can defend this country and its way of life? Who can promote freedom and economic opportunity? I am sure that everyone involved on both tickets have received an upgrade in wardrobe since 2007. What does it matter if the RNC or the millonaires themselves pay for them? I don't know what the next 6 days will be like, but if you live in NC, you need to vote now!! Don't wait until the 4th.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Party Is Almost Over for McCain

Colin Powell has endorsed Barack Obama on Sunday. While many of the right has criticized his announcement, I think the GOP needs to take notice of this announcement. The GOP needs to get back to basic conservatism: family values, economic discipline, and strong military. I disagree with Gen. Powell's views on the Supreme Court, but I agree that the party is getting too narrow. I believe if the GOP gets back on being consistent on these basic principles and relate how those principles better American lives. The problem in this election is the selection of John McCain. I stated in a previous post what he needed to do for the last debate. The first 30 minutes were excellent, he shook Obama up a little bit. However, when as the debate continued, McCain let Obama off the hook. I think the reason is that Sen. McCain is passionate about some conservative issues, but he doesn't care about many others. It is obvious he just tows the party line on issues such as health care and abortion. Obama left so many openings that McCain could have attacked but he did not.

Sadly, the lack of a comprehensive strategy to go after Obama, the economic downturn, and the protection of Obama by the mainstream media has contributed to McCain's woes. I don't believe he can overcome these obstacles in two weeks. I am afraid that Obama will become the next president in 2 weeks. Maybe, McCain can perform another miracle

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Advice For McCain tonight

This is the last debate tonight. I hope that McCain will save himself tonight by asking Sen. Obama these few questions. The moderator will never ask these:

1) Senator Obama, you always state that is wrong to question your character. However, you are seeking the most powerful position in the world. The voters will be paying your salary, so you should be held accountable. Regarding William Ayers, can you explain why your story about your relationship with him has changed constantly? Also, I am guessing that you stand with me in attacking terrorism. Why have you not condemned Ayers when he made those unrepentant remarks after 9/11/2001? Why wait when you are in the midst of a presidental run? Why did you not separate yourself from him after 2001?

2) We are facing tough economic times. We have learned from previous history that when we raise taxes and increase protectionism during recessions that they may become depressions. Explain to the American people, why you support tax increases and changes to previous free trade agreements? No waffling!

3) In this current financial crisis, there are plenty of culprits to blame. Will you hold those accountable in seeking criminal charges and removal from committees and various posts? Will you be able to seek the investigation of the role of Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank in the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae debacle? Will you seek their removal from their chair positions upon winning the White House? Will you seek charges on your advisors Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines? Will you force these CEO's to repay the American taxpayer or provide funding for displaced workers? No waffling!

4) Let's get back to associations. In March, you said that you could not disown Rev Wright anymore than your grandmother. After a series of speeches, you disowned him. However, Rev Wright did not say anything different than what was captured in the initial loop of sermons which you commented on earlier. Was this disowning just part of a political game? I find it hard to believe as many Americans that you did not hear about these inflammatory topics from other members of your church through the years. Can you explain how you or your wife could go to a church for 20 years and never hear anything about these comments from anyone?

I would conclude with this statement:

My fellow Americans, in less than 3 weeks you will be asked to make an important choice on the future of our country. Sen Obama believes that the same government that cannot get your packages shipped overnight will be able to provide you first class healthcare. He believes that raising taxes during an economic downturn will help you. He believes a premature withdrawal from Iraq will make you safer. He refuses to acknowledge his strong associations with radical left wingers. He refuses to go after members of his own party who helped to contribute to this mortgage meltdown. I believe in you America. I will keep your taxes low, cut out government waste, and go after these fools in both parties who caused this financial mess. I will promote innovation in energy and health care. My opponent will stifle it. I will go after our enemies until the job is done and protect our troops. We have a distinct choice. We can implement policies to retain our greatness and freedoms or we can let government take over every aspect of our lives. The choice is yours America. Thank You.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Palin Is Trying to Lose Election

The GOP presidential ticket is seeing their numbers going into freefall. As I write this post, the Dow is down 500 points today. What is the strategy for the twin mavericks? Attack Obama's connection with Bill Ayers. The McCain-Palin ticket does not get it. No one cares about that now. People care about losing their jobs, retirement savings, and their homes. Unless, the McCain-Palin ticket can demonstrate that they can get us out of this economic mess, they will lose going away. Palin redeemed herself somewhat during the debate (even though I feel that she lost it). The temporary gains are being fritted away, by this line of attack. It gives Obama the opportunity to play the victim and go on the high road. He can afford to do this since the numbers are trending his way. The McCain-Palin ticket needs to get a handle on the economy and communicate that to voters quick or face a landslide loss.